Monday, July 9, 2012

Versatile Blogger

I am so grateful to be nominated for my second blog award!  Thank you Erin from Crafty Biggers for nominating me!  It is an honor knowing there are people out there that actually enjoy a bit of what I write.  Please take the time to visit Erin's blog page Crafty Biggers.  She has some adorable crafts posted!

Here are the requirements for the award...

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you for the award
2. Include a link to their blog in you post, as well as the award image
3. Give 7 random facts about yourself
4. Nominate 5 other deserving bloggers for the award
5. Include links to the nominated bloggers' sites
6. Let the other bloggers know that they have been nominated for the award

Hmmmm..... 7 random facts about myself:

1.  My favorite vegetable is white cabbage. . . followed by raw spinach.
2. My favorite television show is currently Game of Thrones on HBO.  Nerdy much?  Yes!!!  It is so well-written, well-acted and unique.  Can't wait for the new season later in the year.  If you know of where I can find a "Winter is Coming" tank top tell me now!  Ha!!!
3.  I am a reformed beauty junkie (shhhhh.... but still adore all beauty products). 
4.  I rode an elephant in Thailand.  Amazing experience until it decided to reach for leaves over the side of a cliff.  There are different security standards in Thailand.
5.  I worked on Korean television for a year and was featured on billboards!  LOL!
6.  My heart is far too tender, and I cry easily.
7.  I have three strong-willed, precocious children with tempers, Brenden, Brielle and Bridget.   What does that say about me?  Hmmmmm....

In no particular order here are five blogs I would like to nominate (plus 2 more because I'm a rebel: 

Vegetarian Mamma - page dedicated to healthy choices... what's not to love?
3 girls and 1 boy - a fellow military wife with tons of kiddos... gotta show her some love!Live, Love and Learn with Ms. Mommy HH6 - Household 6 (HH6) is a commander's wife call sign... fellow military wife... in her 30's... so much in common!
Local Sugar-easily one of my favorite blogs.... Nicole is amazing.... you will want to move to Hawaii yesterday
What Jean Likes - another favorite blog of mine.... Jean captures the most amazing pictures of Hawaii...
Fit, Crafty, Stylish and Happy - Cassidy is all of these!
Richly Middle Class - Smart, funny, diverse.... a must read....


  1. I love these awards - you get to learn a bit more about these amazing bloggers. Thanks for sharing a bit more about yourself. I'm so jealous you got to ride an elephant - how cool is that?

    I'm visiting from the Hop and I've been following you for some time now. Just wanted to say hello and wanted to leave you a quick word to make sure you've seen our Summer Reading Weekly Book Giveaway. We are giving away free children's books all summer long and the giveaways are open internationally. Week #2 is ON! Thanks so much and have a great week. Cheers, Renee

    1. Thanks so much, Renee! I've got to go checkout your giveaway!

  2. We are watching Game of Thrones right now too. :) By the way, I love your kids' names!!

    1. Thank you, Camille! And I love reading your little Facebook blurbs.... You're family is very entertaining. I don't always have time to read everyone's blogs, but I try to keep up!

      Isn't Game of Thrones so addicting and great? I tell everyone to leave me alone, so I can just dial in for an hour!

  3. Congrats...and thanks for introducing me to some new blogs! ;-)

  4. Congrats and hello from the Aloha blog hop.

  5. Game of Thrones is awesome! Thanks for linking up with blogworkingwednesdays!
