Friday, July 20, 2012


I truly enjoy the benefits of eating a "back to the basics" "primal" diet of predeominately vegetables, fruits, and small portions of quality meats.  To some this lifestyle choice may sound restrictive, but in modern times (specifically during this internet era) amazing recipes and alternative food ideas emerge every second!  For many parts of the year I can maintain the level of fitness I desire and the figure (weight/bodyfat percentage) I prefer by simply being cognitive of my portions of these wonderful foods and my sugar intake from natural sources such as: honey, pure maple syrup, dried fruits, fruits,,,,,, but sometimes I lose track of my goals and grow a little careless with both my portion control and sugar consumption.

When this occurs I turn to the smart phone (I phone in my case) App, MY NET DIARY PRO.  In an effort to remain at optimal condition (based on my personal preference) tracking my macronutrients becomes an essential part of the day and this App has proven to be my favorite thus far.

There are countless"calorie counter" and "diet aid" App options for smart phones available to download. What makes MY NET DIARY PRO different?  In my opinion:

1.  It is the most user friendly App of its kind!  Not all calories are created equally.  Will you lose "weight" eating 1,000 calories of cake?  Yes.  Will you lose fat?  Perhaps a little.  Will you lose muscle tone and impair your health by sending your body into starvation mode?  Yes.  Now, ,,,, If you consume a proper amount of calories from plant matter and quality protein sources, will you change the composition of your body and improve your health?  Yes! This easy to navigate program enables you to track (and graphs) your macronutrients. 

2.  The analytics are easy to understand and informative.

3.  There is a barcode scanner and a 430,000 foods database.  Plus, you are able to create custom foods and recipes.

4.  Tracks your water intake, which is an INTEGRAL component to health, fitness and weight/fat maintenance.

5.  Gives you carb, fat and protein "budgets" with percentages to help you achieve your goals. 

If you decide to give MY NET DIARY PRO  a try please let me know!  I'd love to hear your success stories!


  1. Love your site and looking forward to reading more!

    Hope you will follow back!
    Daisy @

    1. Thank you, Daisy! I look forward to checking out Trendy Mom Reviews :)

  2. Oh I love to hear about new apps! There are so many out there, that it helps to hear about one that has been researched. This one sounds like one I need - thanks!

    1. Raquel,
      I truly do like this one,,,, I eat more protein than what is suggested (so I ignore it when I go into the "red" with protein),,,, but when I want to lean down a bit this tool makes it a lot easier :)


  3. Make My Morning Blog Hop brought me here :) new follower!

    Love your blog!

    Smooches from Germany,

    1. All the way from Germany! I've had the pleasure of visiting. . . so incredibly beautiful!!! Nice to have you!

